Take your computer investment to the next level by networking your computers and printers. Establishing or enhancing a local area network in your office can help you increase productivity, reduce expenses, and provide new capabilities. We are a Microsoft Certified Solution Provider with Microsoft Certified System Engineers and Microsoft Certified Professionals on staff to help you achieve your goals with your computing tools.
There are several ways to increase productivity and reduce expenses by networking your computers. The most basic features of a network allow you to share your computing resources with others in your office. Computing resources include files, printers, CD-ROM drives, fax boards, tape backup drives, Zip drives, and even Internet connections. You can also make your network available to your remote employees, whether they are on the road or at home. Here are some specific examples of ways to save money by networking your computers.
- Don't purchase another printer the next time you add a new computer to your office. Use the ones you already own. A network can be configured to allow every computer on the network to print to any connected printer.
- If you have several Internet Service Provider accounts and dedicated phone lines for each user that needs Internet access, you can immediately reduce your monthly expenses by sharing an Internet connection. P&B offers the Net-Portal line of Internet sharing products.
- Tape backup units can be very expensive. Don't buy one for every computer. Share one over the network that will allow you to backup all your computers.
With proper planning and configuration, utilizing the benefits of having a network is easy and secure. Using network resources is easy with the familiar point-and-click interface in Microsoft's Windows family of operating systems. If you have worked with a network system that was cumbersome, slow, or difficult to use, let us show you how fast, simple, and reliable it can be.
While we are able to deliver networking solutions utilizing Microsoft's software technology, sometimes the best solution uses an alternate technology like Linux. Our team is well versed in the entire family of Microsoft Windows operating systems as well as Linux. Let us show you how choosing the right solution for the task can decrease downtime, reduce expenses, and make your network hassle free.