
P&B offers a range of hardware design services ranging from ASIC development to board level design.  Our broad background in both hardware and software provides a unique synergy that allows both design optimization and clear insight into many potential problems.

Hardware design capabilities include:

  • ASIC Design
    • Verilog Design
    • Simulation
  • ASIC Verification
    • Simulation and Testbench creation
    • Bus Function Models
    • Quickturn Emulation
    • Verilog PLI Coding
    • Software Modelling
  • Schematic Capture
    • Viewlogic
    • OrCAD
  • Diagnostic Software
    • Hardware Debuggers
    • Device-specific diagnostic/verification software

Check out the standard hardware debugger we've developed for PC's.  An extensive set of commands as well as a built in Forth interpreter allow this tool to be used for tasks ranging from examining/changing registers to writing testing software.

We've also developed a simple Perl script, vtags.pl, to create a VI style tags file from a set of Verilog files.  If you use VI or VIM for Verilog design, you'll be able to move between files easily with this tool.

If you do use Vi currently, check out VIM - Vi IMproved.  It is a great freeware editor that runs on many different platforms - Windows, Sun, etc.  It offers syntax highlighting for most languages (including Verilog and C) and also has a nice set of extensions to make up for limitation in the original Vi.  Some of our favorite additions are:

  • search forward for word under cursor (* key)
  • search backwards for word under cursor (# key)
  • multiple windows
  • online help